Know Thyself: Journey Beyond The Rules Of The 3D Reality

3 min readSep 12, 2019


The best things in life are the things we pay less attention to, pain is nothing more than a call to adapt. Every phase in life has its lessons and pain leaves once ignorance has been replaced with an understanding of those lessons.

To have authority over this world, you have to be in it and beyond it, for example, an app that has no server is stagnant and can never offer anything new. Now what do I mean by being in this world and beyond it, we have a body that is bound to the rules of this world, we are truly a spirit, and that is not bound to this 3D reality. That is why we have authority, no problem you are free to dance to this realization.

Spirit is creative and that’s what we truly are, that’s why we forever have something within us seeking expression without buried by our ego. The true embodiment of the spirit is in the total absence of ego(self). Living for others and not oneself.

Now the ego also tricks people into believing they live for others whereas they live for the things they will get in return for every help they offer others. Pain is gain, when a man feels pain especially emotional pain its a call to adjust and to notice the little things that lay the foundation for the big things

Once understanding comes pain vanishes, the negativity of this world will hold you down until you understand that you are in it and beyond it, humans have the authority to command protocols to drop every burden they carry. The embodiment of the higher self is a requirement, to know thyself is a must.

Once a man subdues his inner forces, he will notice that all the outer forces are nothing but a mere reflection of his inner forces. When I look without and I don't like what I see I have to go within to change it, because the outer circumstance is nothing but a reflection of once inner state.

To explain it well, “no pain, no gain”! Endure the pain and make a difference!” “The reason you’re going through what you’re going through is to receive the things you’ve been praying for.” “Often the thing that brings you the most pain is the very thing that will lead you to the most gain and your breakthrough.”

The love of a mother is eternal and we must strive to connect to that source, the eternal love within, to feel the same for the whole of humanity, that way even if someone hurts you immensely, you quickly realize that it's just their ignorance and they won't do that if they had understanding, instead of feeling revengeful you will feel pity for them. At that point, you are above pain and it cant shake you anymore because you are awake of the reactive rhythm controlling the masses that is caused by a disconnection from the source, just like an app disconnected from the server.

Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing. — jesus

Peace 😊

