Half Alive: Eye-Opening Guild To Knowing Where You Stand

4 min readSep 11, 2019

Half alive doesn’t necessarily mean being in a subconscious state; the term majority of people are living half alive means they are only alive mentally and physically, so the other aspect that makes up a complete human being is dead.

Living half alive is torture, living bound to only the things in the reach of your physical senses is the worst way any human on earth can choose to live, and yes its a choice because so many people have in one way or the other chosen to reject the truth and to live by there senses.

Always, living partially alive is a hell on earth and this is the torture that the large segment of people are going through because they are half alive, only one part of them is alive that is their physicality and mentality the rest of it is yet to become alive.

A person that is half alive will suffer everything because they are always looking for short term pleasures, and living by there physical senses; they are doomed to the torture and turmoil of this life. How do I know a person partially alive? A person partly alive will suffer everything for as long as they’re in that state, when a person is half alive they suffer sleep and also suffer sleep deprivation they will suffer being without kids and also suffer having kids.

They will forever suffer the two opposite of every situation because they are continually looking for pleasure, validation, happiness without and never for once looking into themselves to see the empty void they are trying to fill with the wrong element.

For as long as one is in that state, they will suffer ignorance and also suffer education; I can go on and on because the list never ends. People that are half alive will always indulge in instant gratification, their whole essence of living is based on that for as long as they choose to remain in that state.

Excessive indulgence in sex, drugs, smoking, alcohol, and every quick rush of stimulant will be their way of feeling alive temporarily for as long as it lasts, and they will forever increase there intake of this stimulant to meet up with that heightened state they think is being alive.

In the reality of it all, they are not suffering company nor loneliness; they are not suffering poverty nor money; what they are suffering from is they are HALF ALIVE.

They are desperately trying to make themselves alive through money, through drink, through sex. Here and there they feel a burst of aliveness, but again it doesn’t last, so when people are half alive pleasure becomes a highly important part of there lives without it they cannot exist.

When one is fully alive, they draw from the limitless source within, so they are blissful, gleefully ecstatic, and without reason, they seek no validation from any outside source to have inner peace because they are aware of who they really are and who lies within. At this state of being, the thought of pleasure can’t be found any were around their nature.

When you are fully alive, pleasure disappears when you are half alive, pleasure is a critical part of your existence. The way to regain full consciousness, first of all, is to understand that you are half alive, after the successful observation and realization of this fact, you have made space for change and also space between you and your mental conditioning that is already on automatic after that one should seek God.

Observe yourself very carefully as if you are standing before a mirror that shows you the real you and the kind of person you have chosen to be and seek the creator that inevitably has led you to read this. Also, please share this with somebody that might benefit from it. Peace 😊

